About the artist

My name is Jessica Jung (Nickname: MiladyMorigane), i’m freelance artist working in France. Most of my artworks is full colors illustrations (mixed media traditionnal or full CG too), i do sketch art too. I started full-time freelance in 2006 just after my graphic-design certificate, with comic called « Miya Butterfly princess » (story by Fabrice Sapolsky) in the Full FX studios in Paris published by « Tweety Girls » (Warner Bros.), then by own title « Princesse Miya » magazines. Aventures 2006 > 2010. After 2010. I worked on my own comic « Melly & Mellow » first published in magazines « Les animaux et moi » (Full Fx studios). First, it was comic strip project. It’s also a story with Melly & Mellow characters for comic book series.
I enjoy fantasy/ SiFi themes, video games artworks. I’ve been fortunate to be part of the exposition « WoW: Emergent Media Phenomenon » on Laguna Art Museum of California (14th jun > 4th october 2009) for my World of Warcraft’s fanworks in fourteen international artists selected to consider this movement. And also, to get the opportunity to work on World of Warcraft Tradding Card Games with Blizzard art crew (2010 and 2012) and Crytozoic. Some of my World of Warcraft illustrations are part of Hearthstone game.
I’ve worked on some covers for french books (more about covers). I’m also Graphic Designer for Igam Entertainment / Japan FM webradio. (logo, design for radio shows, event illustrations)

Comics & manga
Vidéo games
Walking in nature